You can backup/save/archive Emails from Gmail Account.
To initialize, the first and foremost step is to login to Gmail accounts.
Once you select the Gmail as a source, login form will appear at the right panel. Fill the login credentials of the Gmail account you want to archive or backup.
To login suceesfully to Gmail Accounts make sure "Login from less Secured Apps" option is enabled. Know More
After loading the folders, the available backup options will appear in the screens.
The software provides multiple saving formats to save the backup of emails of gmail.
Choose the right format as per your needs as shown below-
Select the saving location if you are saving your backup in File formats.
And if you are saving to cloud based services or any server, you just need to enter the login credentil other option to connect to the respective options.
Saving path Selection when converting to File Formats -
Destination Login when saving backup in Cloud Based email services or any servers -
The Gmail Email Converter software is a complete gmail mail backup tool that also provides advanced filters for backup process.
Choose the appropriate filter option from the following options -