“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." – Henry Ford
Following his quote very sincerely, at CubexSoft, we collaborate with alike minds to grow together and earn through our stellar lot of globally recognised software products. If you wish to get associated with us and be a part of our legacy, you ought to possess a persistent online presence via maintained website. Our program provides you a feasible approach to generate revenue through our fast, reliable and cost-effective software range.
As an affiliate, you will have to put in an extra effort to create a market presence of our software products by placing links on your website. With the sale of each products vial your online website, we provide you with a ravishing commision. Amazing, right?
Nothing much of a process. You just have to fill an online registration form and you are all set! Join our affiliate program with Share-it
No, the entire joining process is absolutely free with zero fee.
No, highly trained merchants are entitled to solve the customer queries or complaints. As an affiliate, it is not your work area. Also, you don’t necessarily need to possess any prior technical expertise or special product information for the products and services you choose to advertise, if you do have any technical knowledge about the products, that is an added advantage.
Get ready for a success ride
CubexSoft is proud to be home to finely crafted software that promises affirmed client satisfaction. Our products are reliable and hence being an affiliate, you are definitely going to taste the success soon.
Influencing digital communication
What all do you need to join our online affiliate program? Nothing, just internet and nowadays everyone has an internet connection. Online affiliate marketing needs a live functional website to put the links on your website.
Amassing high commission rate
You do great work, You get paid voluminously at CubexSoft. Affiliates are entitled for a transparent commission policy considering factors for performance, sales generation and profitable output.
Regular Notification
We keep our affiliates updated via email notifications and affiliate newsletters with recent promotions so that you can further effectively streamline promotional activities of products.
Digital Software delivery
To provide speedy delivery of our esteemed products, affiliates are provided with digital version of the software via internet so that the client does not have to wait for long.
Promotional Material
We make sure that all the affiliate are provided with all required marketing materials including software content, screenshots, banner, text links to further assist in generating sales.
Increased web presence
Thanks to the current digital enhancements, everybody is online today. With the ever-increasing digital population, the digital communication has also increased. Therefore you get to interact more with potential customers and fetch more sales by an online presence of the product.
Choose Partners Flexibly
You are free to work with right people. So, the affiliate has the right to choose partners or exercise their choice not to work with the company, if the policy is not appropriate. With freedom, comes responsibility too, thus, the affiliate is solely responsible for all proceedings taking place at his/her website.
Cookie period
We work with a definite cookie period to make sure that the affiliates sales target are met on time and they are provided with a commision for such sale. In case customer made a sale after this period, the affiliate will not be assigned any commission as the cookie already expired.
To Become Certified Affiliate for CubexSoft Feel Free to Contact Us at partners@cubexsoft.com with any queries related.
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